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Christina's Journey From Kharkiv to Oxford's Cleaning Services

Christina's Journey From Kharkiv to Oxford's Cleaning Services

My name is Christina. If you’d told the younger me - a child growing up amidst the remnants of Soviet Ukraine, a hopeful law student, a passionate hospitality lover - that I would one day establish a leading domestic cleaning service in Oxford1, I might have been skeptical. But life, with its twisty turns and bumpy rides, often reshapes our destinies in ways we could never imagine.

Growing up in 90s Ukraine was a study in contrasts. The remnants of Soviet governance still loomed large, yet the winds of change were evident. I was born and raised in Kharkiv, a city of beauty, resilience, and fierce pride. My mother, a university lecturer in the Russian language, was a pillar of strength and wisdom in our community. Her position, once held in high regard, began to stir whispered conversations and sidelong glances as political climates changed2.

I remember the earnest discussions at our dining table, the blending of rich Slavic languages – Ukrainian, Russian, and the swirl of political tensions in the background. Despite the challenges around us, my mother’s teachings provided me with a foundation of respect for all cultures and languages.

As a young woman, I headed to university with dreams of studying law. But as often happens, life threw in a curveball. I discovered a deep-seated passion for hospitality. There was a certain magic in creating memorable experiences for people, whether it was through a well-prepared meal, a perfectly made bed, or a meticulously cleaned room.

Then came February 24th, 20223. A date that, for so many of us, changed everything. The Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine brought with it devastation of unspeakable magnitude. The airwaves were filled with tales of the bloodiest battles Europe had seen since World War II. Kharkiv, my beloved city, was not left untouched.

The aftermath of the conflict was a whirlwind of emotions - fear, anxiety, sadness, but also determination and resilience. Like many others, I was forced to leave my homeland, seeking refuge in the welcoming embrace of Oxford. But the spirit of hospitality, that passion I discovered in my university days, never left me.

Starting from scratch in a foreign land wasn’t easy. But I saw an opportunity to channel my love for hospitality into a venture that would not only provide a service but also empower others like me. That’s how Christina’s Cleaners4 was born. With a dedicated team of cleaners from Oxford and its neighboring regions, all with stories echoing mine, we began our journey.

Today, our service extends beyond just cleaning homes in Oxford. It’s about building trust, forging connections, and ensuring that every client feels the warmth and care that we put into our work. By choosing Christina’s Cleaners, you’re not just opting for a spotless home; you’re supporting a story of resilience, strength, and unwavering spirit.

It’s been a challenging journey, from Kharkiv to Oxford, from law student to a lover of hospitality, and now, an entrepreneur in the domestic cleaning sector5. But I am here, and with the support of this beautiful community, I hope to continue making a difference, one clean home at a time.


  1. Oxford, known for its world-renowned university and historic structures, has a burgeoning demand for top-notch domestic cleaning services. Christina’s Cleaners has been at the forefront of meeting this need, combining quality with a unique social mission.

  2. The teaching of the Russian language in Ukraine, given its historical and political implications, has always been a subject of debate. This became especially sensitive given the recent conflicts and political tensions between the two nations.

  3. The invasion on February 24th, 2022, saw thousands displaced from their homes. The Ukrainian diaspora and refugees spread across various parts of Europe, with many finding refuge in the UK.

  4. Christina’s Cleaners, a blend of professional cleaning service and social enterprise, has made significant strides in the Oxford cleaning sector, building trust and loyalty among its clientele.

  5. The domestic cleaning sector in Oxford has been growing steadily, thanks to the increasing number of residents seeking professional services for their homes. Christina’s Cleaners has distinguished itself by offering unparalleled service with a heartfelt story behind it.

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Red ZoneBath & Shower rooms & WC
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